Sport with Values

Are you looking for a meaningful activity for your child? A way to let off steam after school and at the same time do something meaningful for the body and mind? Then our Taekwondo course for children is the right choice for you.

With us, your child will learn cool tricks, be taught values ​​such as respect, solidarity and patience and spend time with new friends.

There is something for every taste

Traditional Taekwondo

Traditional Taekwondo





children's fitness

children's fitness

Free Fight

Free Fight

Work out & experience action!

Work out & experience action!

The primary school for children is a further important development stage for the mental as well as physical development. Teaching is designed to provide children with systematic progress and fast results. Your child receives a positive confirmation on a regular basis and is motivated to continue pursuing his or her goal. Our Traditional Taekwon-do for kids training program conveys more than martial arts or combat sports. It is intended to prepare the participants for the life and everyday life associated with it.
The students learn to share and to alternate with games or tasks with other children. They develop self-confidence and self-assurance. Improving linguistic abilities, developing physical strength, coordination and endurance are just as much a part of our teaching focus as the learning of fine motor skills. Furthermore, respectful and prudent behaviour as well as compliance with instructions and the assumption of responsibility are important teaching contents.

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